
Here at LithoSupply Inc, we only use the highest quality of products. Our mesh is made in and shipped directly from Japan.

We do not use Chinese products or materials.


Screen Exchange

We stock 20’'x24’’ re-screened screens in 30 white, 80 white, 110 white, 160 yellow, 180 yellow, 230 yellow, and 305 yellow.

If you’re local

You can bring in your cleaned no tape, no ink, no tape adhesive on the frames and exchange for re-meshed screens on the spot. No wait period for re-meshing. If you decide you want your frames back we will have to re-mesh your frames.

Mesh Thread counts & Screen Sizes

White Mesh Thread Count- 30, 80, 110

Yellow Mesh Thread Count- 160, 180, 230, 305

Screen Sizes

Minimum size of 19”x23” up to Maximum size of 24”x48”.

We also, stock re-screened screens at 20”x24”.

about our process

We have better than state of the art stretching system made by the G.E.M Company. This device allows for the maximum amount of pretension for all four sides at once. This reduces any chance for mesh relaxation. Other screen stretching machines only pretension two sides to compensate for frame flexing.

Rendering of a Screen. (Not the Actual Product)

Rendering of a Screen. (Not the Actual Product)

Screen Exposure

We can make you a 20’’x24’’ screen for you or you can provide us with a screen frame. Please follow the link below if you need to purchase a screen frame from us. If you provide us with a screen frame mesh tension must be at a min of 10N-m.

If you provide us with just a screen all ink, tape, glue, and emulsion must be removed. It is a $25.00 cleaning fee to remove.

We use MacDermid emulsion line of products (photo polymer) and give you at least a 10μm E.O.M on the print side. We will make the film using your PDF file.

However, we are not responsible for any mistakes on your artwork. We will also need you to provide artwork positioning for the of the film on the screen. Please DOUBLE CHECK YOUR PDF’s prior to sending them.

We expose and wash out your screen & will do emulsion touch ups at our discretion.

If you’re looking for a new screens please click the link below to contact us!